(903) 753-2299 faithlongview@gmail.com
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Faith Baptist Church

Preaching Christ… Verse By Verse

Faith Baptist Church is a 1689 Reformed Baptist Church in Longview, Texas that exists with the sole purpose of teaching and preaching God’s Word for God’s Glory Alone. Our unwavering commitment to family-integrated gatherings and expositional preaching, going verse by verse through the Holy Scriptures, has resulted in a profound impact on many lives.

Our mission is to glorify and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, acknowledging His sovereign grace that saved us and His unwavering faithfulness in preserving us. The 1689 Baptist Confession serves as a comprehensive expression of our beliefs and the principles we diligently strive to put into practice.

At Faith Baptist Church, our ministry is primarily centered on the exaltation of God, above all else, which is evident in our preaching, prayer, and worship. Our secondary objective is to equip believers for spiritual growth through verse-by-verse exposition of God’s Word. In doing so, we aim to enable them to effectively bear witness to Christ within the Longview community.

Our church is characterized by an intense devotion to the truth of God’s Word and a fervent desire to share this truth with others. In the present era, the most pressing need for humanity is to encounter the God of the Bible, grasp the truth of His nature, and recognize that God is not faltering in this world but is actively accomplishing His eternal purposes.

We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us at one of our Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night gatherings.

Teaching & Preaching God’s Word

“All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

– 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (LSB)

Faith Baptist Church places significant emphasis on the teaching and preaching of God’s Word, recognizing that spiritual growth and maturity for believers are nurtured through the church’s commitment to Biblical instruction. Our worship services are centered around expository teaching, delving into the Scriptures verse by verse. We ensure the involvement of both adults and children in all our services. During afternoon sessions, we often conduct topical studies covering subjects like Biblical evangelism, essential church doctrines, cults, erroneous theology, and a range of other topics. These studies involve a thorough examination of various scriptures, equipping believers to defend their faith and enhancing their ability to serve our Lord.

When We Gather

Sunday Gatherings

Prayer Meeting | 9:30AM
Sunday School | 10AM
Worship Gathering | 11:15AM
Bible Study | 1:15PM
The Lord’s Supper takes place on the First Sunday of each month.
As a result, there is no afternoon Bible Study on First Sundays.

Wednesday Gatherings

Men’s Bible Study | 6:30PM
Women’s Bible Study | 6:30PM
Prayer Meeting | 7:15PM

4640 SE Loop 281,
Longview, Texas 75602

Click Here for Church Calendar



You can also follow us on Facebook and YouTube.

Our Leadership


The Great Shepherd: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is both the Lord and the Head of the Church, and His will, as expressed in the Holy Scriptures encompassing the Old and New Testaments, stands as the supreme authority in all matters related to faith, practice, and the conduct of Christians. While Jesus Christ remains the supreme Head of the Church, He has also established a divine order wherein individual churches are blessed with spiritual ministry and governance by appointed officers as detailed in the Scriptures. Hence, local congregations are tasked with identifying those individuals whom Christ has endowed with the necessary gifts for these offices. This divine appointment is confirmed not only through the personal conviction of the individual but also through the recognition of the church, as it witnesses the presence of the requisite gifts and graces, as well as adherence to Scriptural office definitions. The congregation should earnestly strive to reach a consensus concerning these office bearers, who, having met these qualifications, shall be duly elected and installed into their roles through the church’s collective vote.

According to Christ’s ordination, the two primary church offices are those of elders and deacons, as supported by passages such as Philippians 1:1, Acts 6:1-7, and Acts 14:23. These offices are accompanied by specific qualifications and responsibilities as outlined in the Scriptures as mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:1-16, Titus 1:5-9, and Acts 6:1-7.


The Undershepherds: Pastors / Elders / Overseers

The elders bear the responsibility of fulfilling their duties outlined in Scripture, particularly as indicated in Acts 20:17-28, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and Hebrews 13:17. They are further tasked with attending Elder’s meetings and regular church services with diligence and faithfulness. Overseeing the pulpit and teaching ministry of the church falls under their purview, although individuals beyond the elders who are qualified and gifted in teaching may do so under their guidance. Additionally, the elders supervise the observance of the Lord’s Supper, selecting individuals to administer the elements during the monthly observance of this ordinance. Their responsibilities extend to the general oversight of the church’s ministry and functions, including decisions related to missionary support, local outreach, and collaborative efforts with other churches.

David Webber

Pastor David Webber

David Webber is married to Mary with four children and four grandchildren, and serves as the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Longview, TX. He obtained a BS in History from the University of Texas at Tyler, TX, and pursued studies at Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, TX. Throughout his ministry, he has been an invited preacher and educator in numerous churches and various Bible conferences. Surrendering to the gospel ministry’s calling in 1972 at the age of 16, he received preaching licensure from Little Flock Baptist Church in Longview, Texas, in 1974. Graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in History from the University of Texas at Tyler in 1978, he was ordained in December of 1980 by Faith Baptist Church. Following this, he contributed his services to Faith Baptist in Longview and subsequently engaged with Grace Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas, where he instructed Sunday School and delivered sermons as needed. In February of 1994, Faith Baptist invited him to lead as their pastor, a role he has faithfully held to the present day. David writes a blog for the church website and is a writer for The Art of Worship.

As of now, David Webber holds the position of our sole elder. Nonetheless, we are earnestly searching for individuals who possess the desire for the role and fulfill the Biblical qualifications of an elder. They would come alongside him to collectively provide unified spiritual guidance to the church, aligning with God’s Word and Will. Faith Baptist Church’s overarching vision is to operate as an elder-led congregation, marked by a plurality of elders.

The Servant Leaders: Deacons

According to the principles outlined in Acts 6:1-6, deacons within the church are called to support without exerting spiritual authority, allowing the elders to focus on prayer and ministering the Word. The role of deacons involves tending to the practical needs of the church community as well as the maintenance of church premises and facilities. These responsibilities encompass: 1) Administering acts of compassion and benevolence to church members facing difficulties, as well as extending aid to individuals from the wider community who seek assistance, both in spiritual and physical aspects. 2) Overseeing the logistical aspects of the church’s operations, including financial management, as well as the upkeep and maintenance of church property and facilities.

At present, Paul Krug serves as our sole Deacon. Nevertheless, we are actively in the process of identifying additional servant leaders within our covenant membership to appoint as deacons in the near future.

The History of Faith Baptist Church

Founded in 1976 under the leadership of James Webber, Faith Baptist Church’s origins saw it gathering in a home before transitioning to a repurposed building. In 1978, the church acquired the present site on East Loop 281 in Longview, progressing to construct the original sanctuary, now utilized as the Fellowship Hall and for Sunday School sessions. In 1987, the current sanctuary, a significant achievement, was finalized and consecrated. Notably, the labor for much of the building work was contributed by devoted church members.

Throughout its existence, Faith Baptist Church has been privileged to minister to numerous individuals, witnessing conversions and the spiritual growth of believers. From its inception, the church has maintained a steadfast commitment to expository preaching and teaching, as well as the proclamation of the sovereign grace of God. This dedication remains unwavering, with the aspiration that the Lord will continue to bestow spiritual and numerical growth, all to magnify and honor His name above all else.


Missionary Andres Galaviz


Saved: Andres was saved at 18 years of age in an independent Baptist church. He began his ministry in a Southern Baptist Church and was later introduced to the doctrines of grace.

Wife: Rhonda: American-born, with medical training, speaks fluent Spanish, and works in the translation part of the ministry.

Children: Lael, Dámaris

Background: Community Baptist Church of Elmendorf, Texas, along with partners from many other churches, supports Andres as he strives to reach the people in the mountain villages and cities of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, with the Gospel of Grace.

For over 15 years this ministry outreach has been sustained by the grace of God through faithful prayers and support.

Faith Baptist Church actively backs international mission families, recognizing the sensitive political environments in which they often serve. However, due to the potential risks associated with these countries, we are currently unable to disclose further details about these mission families.

Gospel Partnerships

G3 Ministries Network
Abolitionists Rising
Founders Ministries
Church & Family Life